The Museum System (TMS) Users


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"The Museum System (TMS) Users" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 30 Aug 2004 12:19:55 -0400
"The Museum System (TMS) Users" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Stephanie Leverock <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Dear Rob,
I am the TMS administrator and TMS crystal writer for the Brooklyn
Museum and work on TMS and crystal from home quite often through a
remote access connection.   Our museum's manager of information systems
has explained to me that our setup is similar to others who responded
last week, particularly to Cheryl Danna's.  All user's outside the
museum's remote connections are funneled to a Windows Terminal Server
rather than allowing direct connections to the workstations.  We use the
Netscreen VPN Server and SafeNet VPN Client on Windows  along with RSA
SecureID electronic keys for authentication.    This only works with a
high-speed internet connection.  The initial set-up was very simple and
logging on each time to work takes only a few minutes.  I can access all
applications and files from home that I work on in the office.

I am not sure how many of our staff members have remote access
abilities, but I would guess it is probably a dozen or so.  I could see
it being a little difficult for all staff to be offered this privilege
and providing support when they have problems.  However, as the only TMS
administrator and TMS crystal writer for the museum, as well as being a
mother of a 2 year old, having the ability to occasionally work from
home has benefited me and my colleagues.    If there is only one TMS
administrator at the institution, I feel it is very beneficial to offer
a remote access connection if possible.

Stephanie Leverock
Records Manager and Collections Review Coordinator
Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11238-6052
Tel: (718) 501-6483
Fax: (718) 501-6135

Rob Morgan wrote:

>Are there any institutions out there that allow their staff to access TMS from their home?  Our museum may be offering telecommuting as an option for our employees, and I was curious how other institutions addressed this issue.
>Rob Morgan
>TMS Database Administrator
>Baltimore Museum of Art
>10 Art Museum Drive
>Baltimore, MD  21211
>[log in to unmask]
>410-396-6489 (phone)
>410-396-6562 (fax)