Hello All
It's taken about 4 years for me to find out how to do the above in
Crystal 8.5 (in 9.0 there's a simple check box that does the job), so
thought I'd share in case useful to anyone else. I found the 'solution'
in the knowledge base at Business Objects website - which is an obvious
place to look, so not sure why it took me so long :-) So, an example of
where the above might be useful is where a main report contains
information about an Object and a subreport contains information about
its components. The subreport contains column headers: 'component
number'; 'component name'; 'physical description' etc. The problem is
that where an Object has no related component information, the column
headers will still appear even thought there's no related information.
To suppress, follow the instructions at:
There is one small glitch - I've noticed that this work-around doesn't
work if you export the report - at least not in PDF format. Knew there
had to be some draw-back...