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Textile Conservators


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Textile Conservators <[log in to unmask]>
Gail Niinimaa <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 13:26:15 -0600
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Textile Conservators <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Barbara,

The TEXCONS list operates with a list serv software and you need to
advise the list of your subscriptions and unsubscriptions yourself.
Here are the details about how to Subscribe (with a new name) and
Unsubscribe (remove an old name)  Hopefully it will be quite straight
forward for you!

You may send any of the following commands to listserv@si-
listserv.si.edu :

to see who is in the group:   REVIEW texcons
to signoff:                   SIGNOFF texcons
to temporarily turn off mail: SET texcons NOMAIL
to turn mail back on:         SET texcons MAIL

If you have questions or problems, please contact Mignon Erixon-Stanford

a free e-mail service

[log in to unmask], the Textile Conservation electronic
discussion list, has been developed to expedite communication among
textile conservators within the textile community worldwide. TexCons is
an open un-moderated discussion list. The primary purpose of TexCons is
to serve as a discussion forum to help colleagues with questions/answers
on specific problems, treatment materials, techniques, methods, and
other specific problems or queries relating to textile conservation.
For example, some subjects appropriate to the TexCons discussion and
exchange are:

1. Health and safety information, especially product hazards and sources
for information on containing/handling hazards.
2. Suppliers/products, but not advertisements.  Suppliers should post
only if they are answering an inquiry about a particular product.
3. Literature citations that are of interest to textile conservators,
particularly those in non-conservation journals.
4. Exhibition announcements with dates, museum hours, catalogues (with
price and currencies, shipping/handling).
5. Courses, symposia, and seminar announcements.  Pertinent information
should include:  dates, location, topics, sponsoring organization,
address, telephone and FAX numbers, whom to contact.
6. Hotels (with room rates), travel bargains, and other travel services,
preferably vetted by course/symposia /seminar announcers.  Roommate
searches to defray costs of attending such a conference or seminar.
7. Position and intern announcements, related to the Textile
Conservation profession.
8. Other topics that affect communication among textile conservators and
the textile conservation profession i.e. address and position changes,
deaths, relocation, etc.

  Matters of a personal nature should not be distributed through this
To SEND a message to the TexCons discussion list, address it to:
[log in to unmask]
and your message will automatically be sent to all members of the list.

To SUBSCRIBE to the TexCons discussion list, send a message to:
[log in to unmask]
in the body of the message enter: SUBscribe TEXCONS your-real-name

To UN-SUBSCRIBE to the TexCons discussion list, send a message to:
[log in to unmask]
in the body of the message enter:  SIGNOFF TEXCONS

When you go on vacation, you may temporarily suspend your email from the
discussion by sending email to [log in to unmask] with the following
commands in the body of the note:        set  [log in to unmask]
                 //   eoj

Upon your return from vacation, you may resume the discussion by sending
email to [log in to unmask] with the following commands in the body of
the note:
        set  [log in to unmask] mail
        //   eojFor your information: Your subscription options have been
set to "NODIGESTS".  REPRO means that you get a copy of your own
postings.  NODIGEST means you get a copy of
each note as soon as it is posted (instead of waiting for the mail to
collect and be sent as one big bundle).  To change either of these
options, send email to [log in to unmask]
with the following commands in the body of the note:
        set  [log in to unmask] norepro
        set  [log in to unmask] digest
        //   eoj

The discussion list is supported by the "listserv" software. To learn
more about the  listserv commands, send a message to:
[log in to unmask]
in the body of the message enter:  HELP
This technical support for this discussion list is provided by the
Smithsonian's Office of Information Technology.   The list co-owners are
Mary W. Ballard in Washington, D.C. ([log in to unmask]) and S. Gail
Niinimaa in Calgary, Alberta ([log in to unmask]).

Archived messages: All messages posted to TexCons will be automatically
archived at
Conservation OnLine and made available for browsing and searching
on the World-wide Web at
http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/texcons/  For ease
of use, please add this address to your bookmark list. This service and
support is being graciously provided by Stanford University Libraries,
Stanford, California. Report technical problems with the Web archives to
Walter Henry: <[log in to unmask]>

On Saturday, April 19, 2003, at 01:01 PM, Harris Barbara wrote:

> Please change email address for Barbarra Harris from
> [log in to unmask] to:
> [log in to unmask]
> Thanks
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Gail Niinimaa
Ticket Coordinator
2003 Mayor's  Luncheon for Business and the Arts
25 Cathedral Rd. N.W.
Calgary, Alberta, T2M 4K4
phone/fax (403) 282-5320