Wow! So cool! Thanks, Chad!
*Fatima Mahdi*
Collections Information Specialist/TMS
[image: VMFA-web-sig]
*Virginia Museum of Fine Arts*200 N. Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23220
T 804.340.1443 <(804)%20340-1443>
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On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 4:30 PM, Chad Petrovay <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> This report is grouped by Context, shows each report in alphabetical
> order, and then has subreports to retrieve the security groups and users
> that have access to the report. It also has subreports to retrieve which
> report groups a report is in, and whether the report is also available in
> other contexts.
> I hope that this meets your needs. ~Chad
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 3:53 PM, Milby, Jessica <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone have a way of reporting in Crystal or, preferably, querying
>> sql to list available crystal reports by the security groups and/or users
>> that have access to them?
>> I’m looking at the tables:
>> Reports
>> ReportIDs
>> ReportGroups
>> ReportGroupXrefs
>> and so far none of them have anything that seems an obvious key to the
>> securities that we assign in reports maintenance.
>> I’m trying to make an efficient list of what we have for users to confirm
>> what reports they still need. We’ll use these lists to prioritize updates
>> to reports when we upgrade TMS from 2014 to 2017. My crystal expert left
>> us a few months ago, and there is a long list of cosmetic and functional
>> updates to existing reports as well as new report requests. The biggest
>> concern at the moment though, is facing a system upgrade without a
>> reporting guru.
>> Defining the reports in need of attention and getting them ready for the
>> upgrade’s changes in data structure is a big hurdle.
>> Am I missing something obvious?
>> Any advice is welcome!
>> Thanks,
>> Jessica
>> *Jessica Milby*
>> Assistant Director for Collection Information
>> t 215-684-7283 <(215)%20684-7283>
>> f 215-235-0035 <(215)%20235-0035>
>> *Philadelphia Museum of Art *PO Box 7646, Philadelphia, PA 19101-7646
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*Fatima Mahdi*Collections Information Specialist/TMS
*Virginia Museum of Fine Arts *200 N. Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23220-4007
T 804.340.1443
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