I have appreciated being on your mailing list.  My e-mail address has now
changed to
[log in to unmask]
Thank you
Elizabeth Richards
Professor Emeritus
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada
On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 05:34:06 -0500 Rebecca A Rushfield wrote:
> On Monday, December 16, 2002
> at 6:00pm, the Textile Conservation
> Group will hold its next meeting in
> Building E, Room 625 of the Fashion
> Institute of Technology, 7th Avenue and
> 27th Street, New York City.
> Sandra Sardjono will present a talk
> on the "Silk Road Tour: A Report .
> Eastern Caravan Route from
> the Han to the Tang Period".
>  All members and interested others are
> welcome. Please let Rebecca Rushfield
> know if you will be attending
> by replying to [log in to unmask] or
> 718/575-2702.
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