Updating Locations
Hi Allison, Here at the BMA only 2 registrars have rights to update locations. Partly this is a function of the state of our location codes (still some inconsistencies) however, it's enough of a challenge to get the location changes from curators/conservators/ art handlers that I do not think it advisable to broaden the recording responsibility. Frances
Frances Klapthor
The Baltimore Museum of Art
10 Art Museum Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218
-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Allison [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 3:01 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Updating Locations

Dear TMS users -

I have a question about locations security in TMS. 
We are trying to determine who should have access to updating object locations in the database. We've already determined who should be able to view locations, but not who should enter them.

What is the general consensus about who should have rights to do this, and why?
I am trying to get some idea about how other institutions, large and small, deal with this issue.  Any and all responses are very much appreciated.
