After having had TMS for 5 years, we finally have been successful in
convincing the administration here to create a position as a TMS
Administrator.  We've put together something of a job description, and I
have a lot of half-formed ideas and dreams of what I am hoping this
position can accomplish, but I would appreciate any suggestions from any
of you about this.  If you have formal job descriptions, I would REALLY
appreciate if you could send me a copy.  

Lastly, I'm curious about other institution's structures regarding this
position.  Is it fully in the Registrar's office, fully in the IT realm,
or some mixture of both?  Should this person be fully conversant in the
operation of the SQL server or is this overloading what they can be
doing in terms of standardizing data, writing reports, training users?

Thanks, in advance, for your help and advice.


David Aylsworth
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Registrar for Collections
telephone:  713-639-7824
fax:  713-639-7780