Hi Everyone,


On numerous occasions, I have successfully edited/updated fields using
the following query (thanks to Luc Bissonnette's example for updating
the credit line):


update objects

set CreditLine = 'Credit Line Text Here'

where ObjectID in (select ObjectID from dbo.ObjPkgList where
ObjectPackageID = "the ObjectPackageID of the object package that
includes the records to be updated")


This, of course, assumes that the field will be updated with a single
value.  Would anyone be willing to share a query for updating fields
with variable values (for example, if I want to update the Object Name
for a group of records where the object name is different for every
ObjectID)?  I've tried several queries, none successfully.  


We have an almost empty database so I can't do much damage, but I am
looking to populate fields in skeleton records with data provided by our
curators in flat files.




Sharon Aponte Misdea


The Musical Instrument Museum (MIM)

8550 South Priest Drive

Tempe, AZ 85284

480.425.3214 Direct

480.481.2460 Main
