Hello fellow MoMS folks:

One of our local communities is considering offering extended hours on
Friday evenings for New Harmonies - until 10:00 p.m. They will have
programming on Friday evenings that ends at 8:00 p.m., and the idea is that
people may want to visit the exhibit afterwards.


Have any of your local sites had success with extended evening hours? This
local SC site wanted feedback before making the final decision to offer the
extended hours.


Thanks for any insight that you can provide!


Best regards,



Theresa J. Wallace (T.J.)
Grants & Programs Officer
The Humanities Council SC
P.O. Box 5287, Columbia, SC 29250
803-771-2477 (P)

803-771-2487 (F)

 <http://www.schumanities.org> www.schumanities.org