
We're excited to announce the launch of the newly redesigned Museum on Main Street website (www.museumonmainstreet.org<http://www.museumonmainstreet.org>). A few of you have happened upon the new site over the past couple of weeks as we've been making final edits and preparations. Thanks for your comments!

We hope that you'll find the new site easier to navigate and search and rich with media related to MoMS exhibitions. Our social media resources are an easy mouse-click away. And, we've got a sleek, contemporary design and color palette.

A few things you'll notice as you navigate the site:

n  Functions specific to the administration of MoMS and its exhibitions are all now available in a menu over the keyword search box at the upper right. Here, you'll find support information for host councils and communities (under "For Exhibitors"), press information, and contact information.

n  The "public" functions - information on exhibitions, where to visit, education, and exhibition media  -- are all in the lower 80% of the screen. But, exhibition-related support information can still be accessed from the information pages for each exhibition. Hopefully, no matter how visitors access the site, they should be able to easily locate information important to them.

n  The new main MoMS site is closely integrated with the Stories from Main Street website that rolled out in September 2011. If  you haven't given the Stories website a spin, check it out at www.storiesfrommainstreet.org.

The whole MoMS team extends its appreciation to Heather Foster, SITES' webmaster, who led the redesign effort. Rebuilding our website from top to bottom was more than a year in the making and we couldn't have done it without Heather's eye for good design, web knowledge, and clear understanding of MoMS' mission. Heather is also the person behind most of the publications developed for MoMS shows over the past several years, so she knows us very well!

Please give the site a test drive and let us know what you think. We still have some documents to link in some sections. If you see an error or typo, please do let me know!

Best wishes,

Robbie Davis
Project Director, Museum on Main Street (MoMS)<http://www.museumonmainstreet.org/>
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service<http://www.sites.si.edu/>
T 202.633.5335 | F 202.633.5344
Mail: PO Box 37012, MRC 941, Washington, DC 20013-7012
Deliveries: 470 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Suite 7103, Washington, DC 20024

Stay in touch with MoMS: comment, friend, follow, view:
Blog<http://www.blog.museumonmainstreet.org/> |  Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Washington-DC/Museum-on-Main-Street/120743585738?ref=ts>  |  Twitter<http://twitter.com/museumonmainst>  | YouTube<http://www.youtube.com/museumonmainstreet>