I’m pleased to announce that registration is now open for a special, 2-in-1 online meeting:

 Mid-year Goal Assessment/ Designing Goals You Can Achieve

The meeting will be held Thursday 26 July 2012 12:00pm – 2:00 pm US Eastern Time (UTC-5:00)

Part 1 (12:00-1:00pm)
 . . . will focus on your work-related annual goals, New Year’s Resolutions, targets, etc. We’ll discuss the goals you exceeded, those you met, . . . and also why some of your goals may have overwhelmed you. The focus will be on acknowledging what you have achieved in the first half of 2012, and how to make the second half even better.

In Part 2 (1:00-2:00pm)
 . . . the topic will shift to designing clear and achievable goals. All participants will practice writing and revising actionable goals. The result will be guides for your independent business or professional practice during the third and fourth quarters of 2012. Join us for Part 1, Part 2 or both.

 The fee for this meeting is a special rate of $8.00 (Sorry, no discounts).

To learn more, register and pay, go to http://bit.ly/G2P-2012.

Meeting leader: Sarah Lowengard, Big Boss of Research and Writing. Sarah has created and taught courses, workshops, and tutorials in business management and academic research for more than twenty-five years.

 Sarah Lowengard
 Big Boss
Research and Writing
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