
A few months ago, state coordinators working on capacity building training ideas for their upcoming exhibitions got together for a quick brainstorming conference call. There were many great ideas all around, so we decided to hold another call, open to everyone interested in chatting about ideas for capacity building training. This is by no means an actual meeting, just an open conference call for sharing ideas. Several states are working on capacity training plans this summer, so this is also a great opportunity for them to share information.

Please feel free to join us tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday, April 21, from 2:30-3:30 pm Eastern. To join the conference call:

Dial +1 (872) 240-3312
Access Code: 400-241-461

Meeting ID: 400-241-461

Many thanks,

Robbie Davis
Project Director, Museum on Main Street
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
PO Box 37012 MRC 941
Washington, DC 20013-7012
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