Dear Sirs / Madams,

I am a historian and I am currently dealing with sources related to the use of particular kind of textiles.
In a document of 1844 (perhaps a copy of older papers) I find the mention to "panno d'Olanda" and "panno d'Amvers" (probably they are references to "Dutch cloth/textile" and "Antwerp cloth/textile").
The ancient writer was describing the textile used for making hats for priest in Winter and Summer, respectively.
Are you aware of such terminology (i.e. "Dutch cloth/textile" and "Antwerp cloth/textile" or similar)? If so, what kind of textile were them?
In case such questions are to difficult for a short answer, please be so kind to send me at least a bibliography to solve the problem.
I thank you in advance for your kindness.

Best regards,

Enrico Flaiani