
In Georgia, DCA (Department of Community Affiars--which administers the Main Street program) is one of our partners.  Representatives of DCA have participated in all phases of our project, helping on the selection committee for sites but also participating in our training.  We encourage all our communities to partner with the Main Street folks, and some have been site directors or co-directors.

Arden could chime in more about this collaboration, but it makes a lot of sense to us!  And it has helped us developed more collaboration both at the state and community level.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Harsh, Carol <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi all,


Last week I attended a Program Planning meeting for Hometown Teams in Louisiana.  Brian invited Ray Scriber, Director of Louisiana Main Street, to talk to the group about building strong partnerships in their communities.  It was fabulous! 


I’m curious about two things:

1)      How many of you partner with your state Main Street organizations?

2)      How many of your MoMS host communities involve local Main Street organizations in their planning?


So many communities these days seem to be divided, sometimes along race lines or struggling to find ways to include new immigrant groups, etc.  Are the Main Street programs in your states strong? Could they be instrumental in providing some training for MoMS host communities about ways to build strong partnerships?


Just thinking about how MoMS can continue to make a strong impact in the host communiteis.  Would love to hear your ideas!





Carol G. Harsh

Director, Museum on Main Street and Special Projects

Smithsonian Institution, SITES

P.O. Box 37012 MRC 941

Washington, D.C. 20013-7012



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Suite 7103

Washington, D.C. 20024


Tel: 202-633-5333

Fax: 202-633-5344