Hi Everyone,

We are looking at extending the data from our Object records that we publish via our collections website, including publishing the Catalogue Raisonne field data. In many cases, early entries in this field only include an initial to reference the author of the Catalogue (e.g. "B. 169"). We do not have the resources to edit these at the moment, so are looking for alternative ways to make meaning for our users from this content.

One thought is to create a direct link between an artist's Constituent record and a Bibliography record for the catalogue rainsonne. We could then pull the linked Bib. data whenever that artist appears associated with an object - and when there's cat.raisonne data to show - when we display that object on the website. (This could be used as the 'key' to the abbreviated data in our cat rais. field.) But the question is how best to create that link?

Has anyone else tried to achieve this end, either by the general approach I've described or some other method? I admit I have not thought this through completely, but wanted to check and see if any of you had grappled with the problem already! I would appreciate any thoughts or comments you'd care to share.

All the best,

Frances Lloyd-Baynes  |  Content Database Specialist
Minneapolis Institute of Art
2400 Third Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404

612-870-3189  |  flloyd-baynes@artsmia.org  |  www.artsmia.org

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