If you upgrade to one of the more recent versions of TMS,  the SQL views are automatically generated,  making it easy to include Flex Fields in list views and Crystal Reports.


On May 5, 2017 9:15 AM, "Smith, Jeffrey" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:



I just recently did this so I could start building List Views with Flex Fields in the Loans and Exhibitions modules, so I am happy to share.


First, you need to create a SQL view of the Flex Fields that are associated with the relevant ID: in this case ObjectID. For Loans it would be LoanID, loan objects LoanObjXrefID, etc. The ContextID must change depending on what you are pulling. ContextID = 1 for object data.



SELECT     TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.UserFieldXrefs.ID, dbo.UserFields.UserFieldName, dbo.UserFieldXrefs.FieldValue

FROM         dbo.UserFields INNER JOIN

                      dbo.UserFieldXrefs ON dbo.UserFields.UserFieldID = dbo.UserFieldXrefs.UserFieldID RIGHT OUTER JOIN

                      dbo.Objects ON dbo.UserFieldXrefs.ID = dbo.Objects.ObjectID

WHERE     (dbo.UserFieldXrefs.ContextID = 1) AND (dbo.UserFields.UserFieldID IN ('21', '22'))

ORDER BY dbo.UserFieldXrefs.ID, dbo.UserFields.UserFieldID


Then, you need to create a view that uses a variation on the pivot table technique to take the rows in the previous view and turn them into columns. Pivot tables are usually meant to do this AND sum values, so I had to find an alternative method. This uses MIN and works just fine:



SELECT     TOP (100) PERCENT ID, MIN(CASE UserFieldName WHEN 'Provenance editing' THEN FieldValue END) AS Provenance_editing,

                      MIN(CASE UserFieldName WHEN 'Descriptive data' THEN FieldValue END) AS Descriptive_data

FROM         dbo.ObjectUserFieldXrefsProvDescrDataView




Then you create the actual List View view and use this view to pull IN the Flex Field data with whatever else you want in your final List View.


Hope that helps.



From: The Museum System (TMS) Users [mailto:[log in to unmask]SI.EDU] On Behalf Of Bélanger Ariane
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 8:27 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Adding Flex Fields to ListViews


Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Hello ladies and gents,


I was wondering if it was possible to add Felx Fields to ListViews? I've done a few tries and can't seem to find the way around it. We're running TMS2010 and are quite in the early stages of developping our use of it.


Thank you!


Ariane Bélanger

Technicienne en muséologie, Service de la conservation des collections patrimoniales

Direction du dépôt légal et de la conservation des collections patrimoniales

T : 514 873-1101 poste 3632

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