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Gallery Systems helped me write a SQL script to add status flags to items in an object package, like this (Im not sure I understand the second line of this script, but you may need to customize for your FlagID here as well):

Insert into StatusFlags (ObjectID, FlagID, OnOff, LoginID, EnteredDate)

Select ID, 1, 1, 'GSInsert', GetDate() 

from PackageList where PackageID = [enter your packageID here]

and FlagID <>[enter the new FlagID here]

Kim Koons

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Clancy, Megan M - (meganclancy) <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi all,

We are currently undergoing a big project that will be using status flags. Currently we tend to use flags object by object, but this project will mean flagging whole accession groups. Is there a way to apply a status flag to the entire object selection?



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Kimberly Koons, Presidential Libraries Museum Collections Officer
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