To unsubscribe, send an email to [log in to unmask] with the following commands in the body of the email:Dear colleagues,
In my search for the perfect mousetrap (in this instance, an exhibition-planning tool), I would like to pose four questions to my learned TMS colleagues:
1. Do you use the exhibitions module for all your exhibition needs—from planning to implementation to archiving?
2. If so, what version of TMS do you have?
3. Or do you use another program/database for this?
4. If so, what is it?
Any further insights or details of how your institution plans and implements an exhibition, using TMS or other programs, would be most appreciated by
Yours truly,
Christine Droll
Registrar, Database & Collections
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
T: 816-751-1333
F: 816-751-0499
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Fatima Mahdi
Collections Information Specialist/TMS
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
200 N. Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23220-4007
T 804.340.1443
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