I think its best to think of these as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, etc, instead of as Site, Subsite, Unit Type, etc. Here's how locations are managed in TMS at the Morgan Library & Museum.

We have separate addresses for each building on our campus.

Level 1 (Site) 
This is the Floor designation within a building

Level 2 (Subsite/Room)
This is the assigned Room Number, which is located on placards or on architectural plans, followed by a brief description (ie: 03 Vault, 03 East Room)

Level 3 (Unit Type)
In our historic rooms, this is either a case or cabinet designator (ie: Cabinet 04); however, in one room it also includes the wall (ie: North Wall); and in rooms where here are multiple levels of cabinetry, this is the Tier number (ie: Tier 1).
In our storage vaults, this is either the cabinet designator, the rack number, or the bay within our mobile shelving.

Level 4 (Unit Number)
In our historic rooms, this is the shelf number when there is only one tier of cabinetry; and the cabinet designator when there are multiple levels of cabinetry.
In our storage vaults, this is the shelf or drawer in our cabinets and compact shelving units. When a flatfile unit has been placed upon a shelf, then "Flatfile" appears here.

Level 5 (Unit Position)
In our historic rooms, this is the shelf number when there are multiple levels of cabinetry.
In our storage vaults, this is the drawer for flatfiles.

As you can see, a shelf or drawer isn't always in Level 4, since it depends upon the configuration of its surroundings. This is why I prefer to think of these as levels.


On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 12:11 PM, Kari Walters <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear all,

My institution is partway through a storage renovation process and we are reevaluating how we use the Location Authority in TMS.

Previously we were only using Site/Subsite/Unit Type to capture all of the location information we needed, but after adding compact storage in our vault spaces we are interested in utilizing Unit Number/Unit Position as well.

If you are currently using the Unit Number/Unit Position location fields at your institution please contact me off list: (kari.walters(at)phxart.org).

We're particularly interested in how these fields work for your institution, what your user workflow through Movement Assistant is like, or any other feedback you might have.

Best wishes,

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