Hi, We use a number of products at AIC which have been very successful. I make training videos using ScreenFlow7 and export as MP3 etc. and store them on a shared drive. The program allows me to annotate the videos, update them for new features, and even call things out in a screen view. I also use GIPHY CAPTURE to make gifs of actions in the system. We do the usual powerpoint, documents, and screenshots with annotations. We also port those into a google site so they are searchable (this used to be a WordPress, but we have moved off that). Our HR department recently implemented a product called Bridge (https://www.getbridge.com/) for training, so now I can compose courses that include videos, documents, vocabulary, and quizzes for users. I require a passing score for them to even get access. All documentation is stored on the single drive and linked out to all products so I can manage version control throughout. 

Becca Doll
Director of Collections Information
Art Institute of Chicago
111 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60603

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