
We hope that you're having a great summer!

We’re excited to announce that Museum on Main Street will launch its first podcast—Smithsonian’s Stories from Main Street—on September 4. The podcast draws from the fantastic collection of stories you’ve helped us collect through the Stories from Main Street and Stories: YES projects. We can’t thank you enough for getting us to where we are today!

Smithsonian’s Stories from Main Street shares the authentic voices and stories of people from small towns and rural communities across the United States. The stories featured in these curated episodes are raw, and real, and provide a unique window into the ever-changing, multi-faceted and diverse nature of America. The first season takes inspiration from the many people who have shared stories during national tours of the MoMS exhibition Water/Ways. The episodes dive into an essential biological and natural resource of life—water. Listen to stories that reflect water’s impact on work and play, in agriculture and landscape, and in personal experience and memory. 

New episodes will debut every two weeks. Listeners can subscribe through most podcast platforms, or listen online<https://museumonmainstreet.org/podcast>. The podcast trailer is available now on podcast services, or on our website<https://museumonmainstreet.org/podcast>.

We would greatly appreciate your help in getting the word out about the podcast. We’ve pulled together sample assets for newsletters and social media posts – you can find them on Dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/knfdcls6dixviv0/AAD42IFFVaHjRAAR0dFgp2Cma?dl=0.

We hope that the podcast will provide another programmatic and promotional opportunity for your tours. Our second season, focusing on stories about rural change (inspired of course by Crossroads), will be released next summer!

Please let me know if you have any questions about the podcast.



Robbie Davis
Project Director, Museum on Main Street
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
PO Box 37012 MRC 941
Washington, DC 20013-7012
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