External Email - Exercise Caution
These evolved from a set of legacy keywords, which we have retained; they’ll need much work before they’re fit for purpose (we’re getting there with one or two of them). Remember, our collection
conatins only easel paintings in the western European tradition, c.1250-c.1900.
Best wishes
Rupert Shepherd, PhD FSA
Collection Information Manager
T +44 (0)20 7747 5921
Currently working remotely; calls to the number above should still reach me.
From: The Museum System (TMS) Users <[log in to unmask]>
On Behalf Of Caitlin Draayer
Sent: 26 August 2020 16:12
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Attributes
This Message originated outside your organization.
External Email - Exercise Caution
Hi all,
I am curious what sort of concepts everyone is tracking through attributes. Style, themes, motifs?
If anyone had a master listing of types of attributes linked to an object they would be willing to share that would be fantastic!
Thanks in advance,
Caitlin Perry-Vogelhut
Associate Registrar, Database Administration and Exhibitions
Baltimore Museum of Art
10 Art Museum Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218
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