
Hope you're all doing well and staying safe! Hopefully, all of you received our latest MoMS exhibition selection survey earlier this week. We're investigating proposals for seven interesting exhibitions that we believe can be a catalyst for interesting local exhibitions and conversations. Venues entered into our exhibition database over the past five years also received the survey via email. We welcome input from our state partners and past, current, and future host sites.

If you've already responded, thank you so much. We're deeply grateful for your input. And, if you haven't been able to send us feedback yet, we would love to hear from your organization. Get together with your colleagues digitally and then, let us know what your state is thinking!

State partners can access each description and respond to a specific survey for partners at:

Please also feel free to share this customized link to the descriptions and survey for local hosts with your statewide networks:

We're looking forward to hearing more from your state. Please let us know if we can answer any questions about the individual proposals. We are accepting responses through October 23, 2020.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks in advance!
The MoMS Team