External Email - Exercise Caution
Just wanted to follow-up on this, in case anyone else sees this problem. Turned out the solution was turning off the DEP feature on our MS terminal server.
GS had suggested this early on in the trouble-shooting process, and we thought we had done it, and it hadn’t helped.
But when we tried again, later on, it seemed to do the trick.
Steve Rothman, Peabody Museum, SysAdmin
The Museum System (TMS) Users <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Rothman, Steve <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, May 20, 2022 at 10:55 AM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Odd problem with TMS 2021r2 client - quits right after log-on
External Email - Exercise Caution
I’m working with GS support on this, but they say they’ve never heard of the problem before and we’re having a hard time figuring out what’s wrong. I wondered if anyone else has seen this problem or has any
ideas about solving it.
We have installed and used some prior versions of the TMS client successfully on our “remote access “server (similar to Citrix, but just using MS Terminal Server).
The 2021r2 client was difficult to install, because of problems with installing the required dotnet frameworks, but that seems to be resolved. But now that the 2021r2 client is installed, it quits after login.
The sequence is that it displays the login screen, and we successfully log in, because the Gallery Systems “splash screen” is displayed next. But after a couple seconds, the app just quits with no error message. There is an error shown on the Windows Application
log, but neither GS nor our own IT staff seem to understand why the app is failing.
Just curious to see if any of you have seen this behavior, and if so, what you did to solve it. Thanks!
Steve Rothman, Systems Administrator
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology
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