External Email - Exercise Caution

Hi Carol,

Please do send on to California and we'll help amplify afterwards - thank you!


Amy Cohen
Executive Director

New Traveling Exhibits!
1) Examining the overlap between the art quilt and the hand-pulled print: Printed & Stitched
2) Showcasing California's long tradition of activist printmaking: Mission Gráfica
3) Revealing the historic connections between people of African descent and the Pacific Ocean: Black Mariners of the Black Pacific

Exhibit Envoy
PO Box 193307
San Francisco, CA 94119
415-525-1553 • exhibitenvoy.org

Harsh, Carol wrote on 11/30/22 10:02 AM:
[log in to unmask]">
Hi all,

Hope you are all doing well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday—and enjoyed lots of good food!

MoMS is ready to invite host communities to apply to be one of five communities we will select to be involved in the MoMS Starter Kit project on food. The description and application are attached for your review. 

Our plan is to send an email to all the organizations that have hosted MoMS exhibitions over the past five years and invite them to send us an application. We will select five based on the criteria in the document. Their projects could open anytime between October 2023 to October 2025. 

If you want to share this announcement with other communities in your network, please feel free to do so.

If you want us to exclude your state from our mailing so that you can send it out yourself and be seen as the provider of this wonderful program, please let me know by COB on Friday, December 2. We are happy to work with you to make this happen.

If you have any questions, please let me know. We believe projects about food are a wonderful way to draw a community together and are looking forward to engaging with communities to enable this to happen. Thank you for your support in this effort.

With warm regards,
