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Hi Tim,
We have a scheduled SSRS report that goes out monthly to our prints and drawings department that recaps works on paper that have been on view for longer than 10 weeks, records will continue to show up on the alert until the department has updated the TMS record. Feel free to contact me offline if you have specific questions.
Yer Vang-Cohen
Data and Database Administrator
Yale University Art Gallery
From: The Museum System (TMS) Users <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Mahdi, Fatima (VMFA)
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2023 1:57 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Rotating light sensitive objects and TMS
External Email - Exercise Caution
Hi Tim!
Here at the VMFA we experimented with using the fields on the Documentation tab originally called "UserNumber1" and "UserNumber2" to hold the max number of months a work should be on view, and the min number of months it should rest before going on display again. With these numbers, and the location history, were were able to calculate which works in the collection had been on display too long, and which were ready for display.
I can imagine that you could use a similar "Max Months on View" field -- either UserNumber1 or a flex field -- in combination with the location history to send you an alert in TMS, for example, a month before a work reached its maximum months on view, so rotation could be planned at that point.
Looking forward to hearing what others are doing!
Fatima Mahdi
Collections Information Specialist/TMS
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
200 N. Arthur Ashe Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23220
Tel. 804-340-1443
Pronouns: she/her/hers
From: Tim Henbrey <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2023 9:50 AM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Rotating light sensitive objects and TMS
External Email - Exercise Caution
Hi TMS users
Here at the National Gallery in London we are considering how we might best support the use/rotation of light sensitive objects in TMS. We have various works on paper, pastels etc. here that we need to limit the periods of time that are on display.
At first glance there seem to be various ways of managing this in TMS – perhaps via scheduled locations, using the ‘Anticipated End Date’ or the ‘Tickler Date’. Or using something in the Conservation record somehow? Perhaps just using a flex field ‘alert date’ type of indicator that something needs to come off display? There are probably many other routes that might be possible….
But I was wondering if anyone out there has implemented a way to limit display of light sensitive objects in TMS? If so, how did you do this and any particular tips you would be willing to share?
Really grateful for your thoughts!
With best wishes
Tim Henbrey
Collection Information Officer
+44 020 7747 2475
I work part-time on Mondays, Tuesdays and on Wednesday mornings
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