External Email - Exercise Caution Hello everyone! I have three separate questions. I understand these are fairly nuanced and every museum is different, but I'm curious to learn more about how other TMS Administrators handled these. I'd love to hear more about how other admins handled these situations/three important parts of TMS. First, how does your TMS Administrator manage security groups within the DB Config Tool? Specifically, what guidelines do you follow when creating security groups? Do you create overarching security groups based on department or based on individual roles? Second, how do you all manage classifications within TMS at your institution? What warrants (or has warranted) creating a new classification at your institution and what did you use as guidance when making those decisions? And third, how do you all manage departments within TMS at your institution? What also warrants (or has warranted) creating a new department at your institution and what did you use as guidance when making those decisions as well? Thank you! Best, Michelle Michelle Gude (she/her) | 7am - 3pm Assistant TMS Administrator, Collections Management [log in to unmask] [cid:59dd741b-4b51-45cf-8ab5-34c60e7cef56] The Menil Collection 1533 Sul Ross Street, Houston, TX 77006 To unsubscribe, send an email to [log in to unmask] with the following commands in the body of the email: signoff TMSUSERS // eoj You will receive a confirmation that your subscription has been removed.