TO EVERYONE in my email sharing groups!! I need something and I need it fast....but don't laugh....I need AOL CD's, you know, the ones they send in the mail all the time for signing up for AOL service. If you have one, no matter how old or how new, please send to me. I am doing a special thing for someone, this kind of semi-retarded guy who collects AOL CD's, and he actually gets a little money for them now and then. His name is Sparky. So, I told him I would surprise him with a bunch the next time I see him. He didn't believe me, but I'm counting on my email teacher friends!!!!!! You have no idea how much this would mean to him.

Thanks so much in advance.

PS ANYTIME you get those CD's, send them to me. Don't even open them....put an old 3cents stamp on it, and I will pay the postage due. Thanks so much.

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MaryAnn F. Kohl
Bright Ring Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 31338
Bellingham, WA  98228-3338
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