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Thu, 2 May 2024 07:52:29 +0000
"The Museum System (TMS) Users" <[log in to unmask]>
"Blochel-Dittrich, Iris" <[log in to unmask]>
"The Museum System (TMS) Users" <[log in to unmask]>
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External Email - Exercise Caution

we would also apply the rules we have for cataloguing portfolios. There we have one virtual group record where we store the information that relates to the work as a whole (eg publication history, broader context etc) and subrecords for all parts.

For the subrecords we put the name of the portfolio into objects.portfolio.

When it comes to ordering the records, we are in transition. In the 1990ies when we first established cataloguing rules, we did not think of any usage except exhibitions and publications so we put the main sheets front with subnumbers /1ff and everything else (front sheet, printed introduction etc) afterwards and the portfolio itself last.

Then we started putting things online and as to keep the right order there, we are inclined to let the subnumbers reflect the order in which the parts appear if you work with the physical object. For photographic albums we discuss if we should create subrecords according to the media records (frontcover, backside of front cover, first page, backside of first page, etc, ending with the back) - just to enable a consistent display online.


Iris Blochel-Dittrich
museum documentation

Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Lindenstrasse 9-14
10969 - Berlin
Tel.         : +49 30 25993-442
Fax.         : +49 30 25933-409


The core exhibition
Jewish Life in Germany: Past and Present<>

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ANOHA - The Children's World of the Jewish Museum Berlin<>

Von: The Museum System (TMS) Users <[log in to unmask]> Im Auftrag von Mahdi, Fatima (VMFA)
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. April 2024 16:18
An: [log in to unmask]
Betreff: Re: Cataloging a newly unbound album of prints

External Email - Exercise Caution
Hi Heidi!

I think in this case we would use the procedure we use for a portfolio.

The prints are individual records, let's say, 2019.1.1 to 2019.1.35.

The cover, interleafing pages, folders, table of contents, introduction, etc. all go in one record. That record is numbered 2019.1a-f (or whatever), and each part has a component in the record so the parts can be located separately if need be. The title for that record would be "Cover, Table of Contents, and Introduction for the "Kitchen Sink" Portfolio"

In addition there is a virtual group record to which all the records for the physical object are attached. That record is numbered "2019.1.1-35, a-f", and has only skeleton cataloging information, because it's purpose is just to connect the other records. The title would be the title of the portfolio.

We also have a Status Flag called "Portfolio" that is applied to all the records as a heads up that the item is part of a portfolio.

Alternatively, if you hate group records as much as I do, you could skip the group record, add an additional title to every record with the Title Type = Portfolio Title, and use only that title to associate the records together. It's cleaner from the point of view of data upkeep, but makes the connections between the parts harder for the user to discover.

Looking forward to hearing how others do it!




Fatima Mahdi
Collections Information Specialist/TMS

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

200 N. Arthur Ashe Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23220
Tel. 804-340-1443
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Teleworking Wednesday & Friday

[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
From: Heidi Taylor <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 8:40 AM
To: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: Cataloging a newly unbound album of prints

External Email - Exercise Caution

Hello oh wise ones!

We had a bound album of Japanese woodblock prints that was cataloged as one record.  Cover, 35 prints (adhered front and back), and back cover.

We just had this unbound and separated and now have 35 individual lovely prints.  Each will get its own record.

How would you suggest this be cataloged in TMS?  What to do with the covers (in TMS) and how to properly record them, use the original record?



Heidi Taylor  [she/her/hers]
Associate Registrar of Acquisitions and Loans

The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art


941.358.2689 Registration office
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